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如何在混合工作时代提高员工满意度?在人力资源第二季的这一集中,我们坐下来与Jodi Rabinowitz -人才和O.D. @ Zoom的负责人-谈谈员工幸福在人才获取和留住中的重要性。



  • 在工作中提倡真实,让人们发挥出最好的一面
  • 如何以快乐为核心发展你的组织
  • 人力资源在组织为混合再入做好准备方面的作用







尼Verlinden:大家好,欢迎来到全新一期的《人力资源知识》。我叫尼莉。我是主持人,在今天的节目中,我和Jodi Rabinowitz进行了对话。Jodi是Zoom人才和组织发展的全球主管。我们进行了一次精彩的谈话,我们谈到了人才,不仅是如何吸引人才,还有如何留住人才。我们还谈论了真实和幸福。所以话不多说,我建议你马上去看看这期节目。但和往常一样,在你订阅之前如果你还没有订阅,请订阅这个频道,点击通知铃,并点赞这个视频。谢谢,请慢用。再见





成为人力资源报告专家 人力资源指标和报告




尼Verlinden:好了,这是这首诗。我会读的。“玫瑰是红色的。COVID是一种恐慌。是时候投降了。染头发。收集到的经验的可喜提示。拥抱真实,衰老,接受。我支持着每一个灰色,就像一枚荣誉徽章。快乐、痛苦和错误,我沉思着。 Rocking the locks to tell my story. A celebrated life accumulated inventory. The big reveal before and after my authentic self. So delighted to capture.” Wow, okay, God, I think I’m just gonna go to you, of course now, and yeah, ask you: What made you post this poem? What many posts the poem I,

乔迪•Rabinowitz:我为什么要发这首诗?人们往往会问:在被封锁的两年里,你取得了什么成就?很明显,其中之一就是让你的头发变白。虽然这听起来有点老套,但我很高兴能够接受我是谁。发帖的有趣之处在于(因为真的,它只是为了好玩,尽管对我来说,它确实有一个深刻的信息)它是如何病毒式传播的。顺便说一下,它并没有真正的病毒式传播,因为我查了病毒式传播的意思,病毒式传播的意思是10万。不是10万。大概有三万七千人。而是人们分享的东西人们分享的东西。当我问别人:那首诗的什么地方引起了你的共鸣? They use the word, you know, courage or authenticity. And one of the things that Zoom has taught me, and is so special, is that Zoom has been a home for me that has enabled me to embrace every single part of me. And when you’re in a work setting, that enables you to bring your authentic self to work, which, again, is a very sort of HR thing, but is true, you do your best work, right. And we hear this a lot in the spirit of, you know, diversity and inclusion that if you feel like you’re in a place where you’re accepted, and you can be open about who you are personally, you know, you get the best out of people. And that’s one of the things I love so much about Zoom. I have been in work settings where people say: We love you, God, you’re so honest, and you’re so caring, and you’re so straightforward, but you don’t belong here, or I’d write an email, and my boss would correct the email because the language was too informal. Again, another message of: You don’t belong here. And when people interview for jobs, they think they’re doing great in the interview. And then they don’t get the job and it was like: wait a minute, as I did so well in the interview! What it means is, the people who were doing this selection somehow understand how you may or may not fit, like what makes that culture buzz, and it has nothing to do with your competence. It just has to do with your style, or your approach or your informality, or your level of energy that the culture may be is super buttoned up. And so they’re really de-selecting you and, and they’re sparing you the messages of had you been there. You know, someone’s like: we love you, but you don’t belong. And so it’s a long way of saying that it’s important to be in a workplace or work setting like Zoom that is accepting, embracing, because it just makes you want to do more, give more, and support your people more. So I rock my authentic self. I love every grey hair. And some of the grey hair does represent the pain of being in places where say you don’t belong. So thank you for acknowledging the poem.

尼Verlinden:是啊,我真的很喜欢。因为我不确定我以前在领英上见过这样的东西。所以对于我们的观众,我绝对鼓励你们看一看。不过,我认为你有很好的天赋。至于你所说的在工作中保持真诚的重要性。去年我和别人讨论过这个问题。他说:我觉得这很有趣,很多人在工作场所花了这么多精力和精力,不让别人看到自己的某些部分。他说,因为过去两年发生的一切,已经给我们很多人带来了额外的压力,这已经变得不可持续了,因为你不能一直隐藏你性格的某些部分,而外部世界已经发生了这么多事情。如果你能在工作中做到真实,这是显而易见的。但这也意味着你的工作和公司将从中受益良多,因为你没有浪费任何精力在不真实的事情上。 If that makes sense.

乔迪•Rabinowitz:如果你想想Zoomies,以及Zoomies在过去两年里经历了什么,尽管在COVID之前,Zoom只有15%的员工是远程工作的。尽管我们在使用我们的工具时非常流畅,但三月的那个星期,我们回家并锁定了目标。许多Zoomies都有孩子,他们在家上学,或者亲密的家人或朋友因为大流行而失业,或者因为大流行而生病或死亡。所以他们和其他人一样都是大流行的受害者。然而,他们仍然为我们的客户提供服务,并以一种高度警惕的态度,围绕着关怀和特权。在某种程度上,Zoom有使命感,因为我们能够让人们有工作。我们在世界卫生组织的作战室里。当这一切发生的时候,Zoomies也感受到了它的痛苦。我们并没有被屏蔽。再一次,因为他们如此致力于照顾我们的客户,人们的感受需要得到承认。 And when we talk about authenticity, one of the things that my group did was in order to care for our Zoomies – because care is very much a part of our values – we took time out and brought teams together and brought them through a structured intervention around: How are you doing? What are you learning? How are you caring for yourselves? What are you learning about your leader? What are some of the silver linings around this experience? And the reason why I’m talking about this is that there was no hiding during the pandemic. If you were not bringing your authentic self to work before, well, you were now because your husband and your kid were in the background. So you mentioned people not being as authentic as they possibly could be at work. Well, now, people were home, and there was no hiding their authentic self because not only were kids or spouses in the background, they got a sense of maybe some physical space in which they live. And people were tired and they were emotional, and they were stressed and they were also prideful. I mean, so there weren’t only the sort of the harder emotions, but they were also prideful and grateful for Zoom and proud that they could be part of literally keeping the world connected. So feelings were like: You couldn’t hide feelings. There they were. People brought their authentic selves to work. And as part of the work we did within tech teams in helping them during this crisis by bringing them through this structured intervention, having them talk about their feelings and what they were learning and some of the insights and the silver linings and things that they wanted to take forward after the pandemic, that brought real intimacy and real connection amongst the team members among zoomies. So what’s going to be interesting is, there’s been a level of, again, sort of opening the kimono these past two years and understanding much more about people’s personal lives. What will it be like, as you know, we make the transition to hybrid work, right? So does this forum create a level of intimacy that perhaps may not happen if you were face to face with somebody? So I’m curious to see what the hybrid situation is going to be like, but undoubtedly, people, they were just as authentic as you get, because, you know, we’re, again, all sort of managing this crisis together. And people produced incredible amounts and incredible quality of work to serve our customers. So I hope that that is one of the things from the pandemic that continues – that we are curious about who’s in the background, and we do stop and say, How are you doing? And, you know, you look kind of drained today, or, wow, you’re in such a good mood. And we continue to ask and care about sort of the whole person.





乔迪•Rabinowitz:为什么放大?对我来说,这很简单。我们有这样一种吸引人的、包容的文化。正如我之前提到的,关爱是我们所做的一切的中心,我们真正生活和呼吸着我们的价值观。我们的入职体验都是关于融入的感觉,而不是关注利益,所有这些都是重要的,确实有一席之地。但它是一个次要的地方,欢迎体验和文化浸入。我们使用我们的工具立即让人们进入休息室,互相了解并了解我们的产品。你知道,我们把他们放在一个假的电梯里,必须想出一个电梯游说。所以,从第一天起,我们就帮助人们拥抱、生活并理解是什么让我们的文化如此独特。毫无疑问,在当前就业市场非常非常强劲的情况下,文化将是一个区别。 So I think one of the big standouts for Zoom on Glassdoor would be that people are excited to be here. They’re grateful to be here. We have a CEO that takes care of people. And as I said, it’s at the center of what we do. And so not to mention our really fun product and so easy to use. And we use it to build engagement with fun things, with our backgrounds and things like that. I’ve made several job offers literally by the background saying you’re hired. And so we, you know, I think we live our values and that’s one of the differentiators for us.


乔迪•Rabinowitz:我经常被问到,或者说最近人力资源的热门话题之一是如何创造文化,这是我完全未经审查的Jodi观点。如果你的文化在新冠疫情前很糟糕,那么在虚拟环境中可能会更糟糕。所以,如果你的文化是好的、积极的,你也能感受到,那么这种文化就会延续到虚拟环境中。所以突然间,你知道,人们就像:哦,就像,我必须创造一种文化,我如何创造良好的文化?我如何保持良好的管理?好吧,如果它之前就很糟糕,那么在现实中就更难做到了,因为现实中的良好管理和扩大文化必须更加深思熟虑。对吧?所以你得到的东西,你在食品储藏室得到的东西,你知道,除非你让它们发生在虚拟环境中,否则它们不会发生。面对大流行带来的恐慌,我该如何创造良好的文化?如果你以前没有的话,你有点落后了。 So we’re really lucky that we had such a positive culture, and it is carried forward by our sort of original culture carriers. You know,



乔迪•Rabinowitz:首先,我们谈谈这意味着什么,因为也许你的观众和我的观众有非常不同的看法。毫无疑问,在大流行期间,人们不得不停下来,评估他们的生活和价值观等等。这是一个反思和深入的时候,因为你别无选择,对吧?因此,伴随着这些思考,我有了一些大开眼界的想法,比如:我真的不想呆在城市里,我想去乡下。所以如果工作地点偏远,我就会搬家。也许我真的想和我丈夫离婚,我一直都在想和他离婚。只是人们有一些深刻的启示。对我来说,伟大的辞职意味着,你抬起头来,你有时间进行评估。如果你有足够的特权去选择,那很好。但同时,伟大的辞职并不适合所有人,有些人必须工作,不管他们是否喜欢他们的工作场所,你知道,我的意思是,我们谈论的是特定的人群,他们有能力说:我要去一个土豆农场。 And you know, that’s good, because I have enough money to do so. But what it is, it’s another reminder of what it means to take care of your people. We are always actively engaging our people in not only growth opportunities by helping managers give people stretch assignments and understanding what their career ambitions are. We just instituted a push message every quarter with some prompts around having career conversations because people are so busy, so we send it to the employee. We sent the manager just a couple of interesting sort of provocative questions that they can use to have a dialogue. And we know it works because we did it with onboarding. So we send the same prompts 30, 60, 90 days: How’s it going? So it’s not about like your work performance, it’s just about connecting. And again, building that sense of community, we’re just always actively engaging people. Also in the fun, so we have something called Zoom Rendezvous, which is run by our Happy crew, which is a group of volunteers whose sole job is to create fun and build culture. And so once a quarter, you just show up with a bunch of random people, and for 20 minutes to do a round-robin. So those are some of the fun things that we’re doing. And then in terms of development, again, I gave you an example of career chats, we have fireside chats with CEOs, we have all kinds of workshops around wellness, and the things that we teach, and from a development perspective, are authentic. So, you know, in a manager training, we talk about, say, what are you doing if somebody’s crying, because that’s real life, and that happens. So I feel like even our development programs are a little bit edgier to try to help people with real-life situations. So we are constantly thinking about how do we keep Zoomies growing, engaged, involved, excited, and I don’t want to say doubling down because that means that all of a sudden, the lights went on and we said we had to care? I would say actually, we’re just business as usual. Because we cared before the pandemic.

尼Verlinden:是的,当你谈到乔迪时,我真正的感觉是我真的从所有这些中获得了联系,说实话。这似乎很好。但我要从中吸取教训。我认为这非常重要。这又回到了我们之前讨论过的问题。我认为这是一个美丽的故事。我也很高兴你已经提到了一点组织发展,因为我相信在过去的一年里,Zoom已经开发了组织发展课程,比如快乐开始、快乐领导、快乐持续。这引起了我的兴趣。也许首先,我们可以从为什么关注幸福开始?这是为什么呢? How is this different from more traditional employee engagement, for instance?



乔迪•Rabinowitz:我将从两个方面回答这个问题。一个是,作为面试过程的一部分,我们面试价值观,对吧?所以我们会自动筛选出那些不关心我们的社区、我们自己、我们的客户的人。就是这样。我的意思是,这是不合格的。但另一个是,你知道,埃里克的故事,他的故事是,在他之前的工作场所,有客户想要的东西,而组织没有回应,所以客户不满意,他无法让公司与客户的需求保持一致。所以他创建了Zoom,客户的需求永远是第一位的。所以,再次强调,如果你让顾客满意,你就会满意。就像,它只是在自我滋养。所以我们总是把顾客放在第一位。 And it just worked. So it means that Zoomies are a little bit creative and deliberate. And if they recognize that a customer isn’t getting what they want, they, you know, everybody just aligns behind to try to deliver to the customer, as long as the request is reasonable. And it’s part of our DNA. So happiness is, it sounds trite, but it’s actually true. And then, just from a development perspective, it’s important to talk about when there isn’t happiness, you know, where is the conflict and how do you address it? And is there a different solution? And how do you acknowledge it? That’s also an important part of happiness, which is to address unhappiness, right?




乔迪•Rabinowitz:我认为这种心态是zoom之前的。我的意思是,在过去,我们会在会议室里看人们,对吧,中间有星际迷航的东西,后面有一个温暖的混血儿,每个人都在笑,在说。他们就像:哦,顺便说一下,也许我们应该问那个人,也许,也许不。他们会一直忽略那个人。有几件事。一个是我们的智能画廊,我们的技术将改变这一点,因为即使你坐在一个房间里,你也会有,你知道,你面前的盒子,这将创造更多的公平,所以,你知道,每个人都包括在内。这对每个人来说都是新领域。就像我说的,关于建设文化,你必须深思熟虑。我们需要更注意创造包容,更深思熟虑地说,嘿,某某,某某,你怎么想。我确实认为技术会有所帮助,因为每个人都会在场。 But you know, those are the best practices around inviting all voices, whether you’re in a room or not need to, again, be amplified. So it’ll be interesting to see how we are preparing our managers and our employees about having ongoing conversations about what your needs are. And, you know, saying like, do you feel like you’re part of the group if you’re remote and the rest of the group isn’t? How do we be thoughtful about when we do plan a lunch that we give you enough time to get babysitting, or whatever you need so that you can be part of it live? Those actions are going to need to be more thoughtful and more planful. And that’s what we are teaching our managers and employees around. So we’ll see how it goes. It’ll be interesting.


乔迪•Rabinowitz:我认为我们正在做两件事。一种是正念——对它的高度意识。你对面那个人的情况。正如你从我们的博客中看到的,我们要求员工声明他们必威 官方网站是混血还是根本不来办公室,这从来都不是你的本意。这样就清晰了。这是巨大的。既然如此,就有了参数,合同也很明确。所以我们教经理们要做的一件事就是了解并完全理解员工的心态,同样地,继续提出问题,因为事情可能会发生变化。可能有人一开始想在办公室待三天,后来决定只来一次。因此,持续的对话和持续的合同是我们为我们的经理和员工关注的一件事。 And the other, again, is the acute sensitivity around inclusion, being thoughtful and deliberate about some of the micro behaviors and some of your own biases around in office, out of office, and checking in. So if you love being in the office, and you can’t wait to get back to the office, and you’ve only experienced being in the office, and you have a new employee who’s never been in the office, like, do you have some unconscious feelings about that new person saying they don’t want to be in? Well, let’s pay attention to it and make sure that that bias isn’t somehow playing out. And so those are the things that Zoom is doing to prepare the workforce. So it’s the mindfulness, your awareness of how I’m interacting, and also the clear contracting and conversation around what’s working, what’s not working, do you want to change so that there isn’t this sort of ongoing ambiguity like the rules are shifting in flight? That’s how we’re approaching it.








乔迪•Rabinowitz:我先从失败说起因为我没能及时买到极速终身教职t恤的尺寸,所以我错过了10年期t恤的小码。我很沮丧,因为我的衣柜里都是极速。Zoomies得到的好处之一是Zoom商店非常慷慨的津贴。所以我除了Zoom的衣服什么都没有,但我错过了10周年纪念的小号。现在他们只有特大号的了。这就是我此刻史诗般的失败和史诗般的胜利。在我的整个职业生涯中,我从来没有和Zoom这样的团队合作过。我在领英招聘的大海里找到了这个不可思议的团队。有人是神经科学的硕士,有人是行为科学的硕士。我有ODand教学的硕士学位,他们很有趣,很不同,他们都比我聪明。 I’m much older than them but they’re still smarter than me. So it’s like Yoda versus like brains. But I would say that is my biggest professional win, aside from scoring a job at Zoom.







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