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面对混乱,你如何确保人力资源团队的健康?在人力资源第二季的这一集中,我们与HRatHeart咨询公司的创始人Julie Turney就人力资源专业人员的自我照顾和组织支持的必要性进行了交谈。



  • 人力资源与员工的最佳比例可以让人力资源蓬勃发展
  • 你可以加入最好的人力资源社区来寻求支持
  • 作为一名人力资源专业人士,保护你心理健康的三个建议







尼Verlinden:大家好,欢迎来到新一期的人力资源知识。我是Neelie,在今天的节目中,我和Julie Turney对话。朱莉是人力资源教练的人力资源。她是个作家。她自己也是一名播客主持人。她是许多其他的东西。在我们的谈话中,我们谈到了在经历了疯狂的两年之后,人力资源部门的实际情况如何?谁负责人力资源?人力资源如何更好地照顾自己?我们谈到了人力资源社区的重要性以及其他很多事情。 I think it’s time that you go check out our conversation straight away. Before you do so, you know the drill: hit that notification button, subscribe to the channel, and like this video. Thank you and goodbye.







朱莉·特尼:是的,差不多。我第一次被解雇后,在22岁开始了我的HR之旅。我被解雇的方式真的让我崩溃了,因为我是在第一次怀孕的最后三个月被解雇的。我当时不知道不能在某人怀孕时终止妊娠。我从来没有进行过任何形式的绩效讨论或任何形式的绩效改进计划,什么都没有。所以我被解雇的方式一直让我无法接受。我想:好吧,你知道,如果这就是组织对待员工的方式,这是不对的。肯定有更好的办法。这就开启了我进入人力资源的旅程。所以我得到了第一份人力资源工作,大概在我快30岁的时候,就在我生最后一个孩子之前。 And I work my way from being an HR admin through to being a CHRO of an organization. And one of the things that always stood out for me is that HR is this role where we’re constantly giving to people and we’re constantly giving to the organization. Very seldom do we take time to step back and take care of ourselves. And so as a result of that, I experienced a couple of bolts of HR burnout, one of them almost very close to either sending me into a mental asylum or to my grave. And if it wasn’t for the love of my mother or my children, I’m not sure where I would be right now. But my mom ended up staying at my house for a couple of weeks and kind of like just pulling me back to life. And that kind of started my journey back to like, what do I want out of this profession that I call HR that I love so much? Where would I best serve the people who I want to help and support? And I realized that in going through my process of healing, going to therapy, going and hiring a coach to help me kind of figure things out that I realized the best place that I served was serving the people who serve the people. And so it kind of started me on this journey: well, you’ve been in HR for over 16 years, you know what it takes to make a great HR professional. I’m always giving advice. I’m always mentoring. I’m always supporting. But in this instance, I give HR professionals what they deserve: a safe space to lean in, to heal. And so it started me on this journey of creating this company HRatHeart, where I now coach HR professionals. And so for the most part, it’s the things that we struggle with – putting theory and practice together, the moments that we have those heavy, heavy situations, whether it’s a termination, or you know, we’re furling people, or you know, it’s a situation where we’re dealing with a sexual harasser. That’s for someone who should know better. And just the heaviness that comes with all of those things – employees who are dealing with their mental health and supporting them, employees who are going through the method, violence – whatever it is, because all of those things end at the doors of HR because we ask people to bring their entire humans to work, right? And so when those things that heavy on us, we then deal with vicarious trauma which traumatizes us, but we have nowhere to go to deal with it. So other than therapy, I was like: Okay, well, let me see if I can make this work. And for the last year or so, I’ve been fully supporting HR professionals in their careers, giving them safe spaces to lean in, grow, and thrive.




HR 2025





朱莉·特尼:是的,人力资源部的情况不太好。现在,虽然人力资源专业人士得到了尊重,他们也得到了责任,他们也意识到自己的能力更有战略意义。责任越大,压力就越大,焦虑也就越大。因此,所有的目光都集中在人力资源部门,我认为可以肯定地说,如果没有人力资源和it部门,我们不可能走到今天。因此,在过去的20个月里,人力资源部门确实在认真对待每一件事。但当谈到心理健康时,从很多人力资源专业人士的角度来看,我的很多客户说:你知道,公司里的人希望我一直快乐,爽快,但我不能,因为这很难,这很沉重。最近我在AIHR社区问了一个问题:人力资源专业人员与员工的公平比例是多少?因为我和一个人打过电话,他说,他们最近刚辞掉人力资源总监的工作,因为这个比例是1比700。这是我们将看到的另一个问题的一部分,如果组织不采取行动,认识到他们需要给予人力资源专业人员适当的支持,以摆脱人力资源与员工的不公平比例。现在,当你考虑到家庭环境时,我是一个有三个孩子的母亲。 Now, back in my grandmother’s days, she was one to 10 children. My other grandmother was one to 8 children. Now, at the end of the day, when we’re thinking about making a family, sometimes my 1 to 3 children are enough to drive me crazy. So when you think about one person supporting the professional development, personal development, mental well-being of 700 people, that is huge. Now, where there may be some areas of you being light touch, if you are an HR generalist taking care of 700 people, there’s no way that that is ever fair. And this is one of the things that a lot of our HR professionals are dealing with. They’re not getting the support that they need to either have the best HR tech to offer the support. A lot of people are still doing stuff manually, which kind of really freaks me out and makes me very scared for a lot of our HR people. Now while it is that we love what we do, and we love supporting our people, we love supporting our organization, it means it’s not sustainable. We can’t touch every possible facet of HR, because when you think about what HR is, and all the different areas that it takes, if you are just one HR generalist managing L&D, managing compensation, managing performance management, managing talent management, recruiting and onboarding, it’s impossible for you to be 100% effective, dealing with all of those things, never mind touching things like culture, and diversity and inclusion. It becomes virtually impossible for you to touch all of these things in a way that is meaningful, and truly adds value to the organization. And so this is the thing that I constantly talk about with organizations, with leaders, and with HR teams. Get the additional support that you need either through tech, where you can, but get the additional resources through people and get the necessary support that you need so that you can add the value that your organization truly deserves. So when organizations say my HR team is not strategic, I go: how many people are your HR team? Oh, two. And how many people are in your organization? Oh, 1200. And you really expect your HR team to be strategic? That makes no sense. And so these are the things that we have been dealing with. HR is not ok. HR has not been ok for a very long time prior to COVID.


朱莉·特尼:那么在社区里呢?我得到的一些回答是:这取决于组织的需求。我也在推特上问过这个问题。此外,就像有些人说的:嗯,可能是1到200或250。有趣的是,在推特领域,因为很多人在推特上回答了这个问题,有些人说1比50,或者1比100。但我认为平均来说,可能是1到100。这是可以的。特别是如果你是一个多面手,接触所有这些东西,有效地接触它们,1到100可能是公平的。在过去,我读过1到40或1到50。所以比值是有关系的。 And it also depends on the type of organization, if you have a really forward-thinking organization where leaders are really involved in the organizational culture, and they are supportive of your HR initiatives, then you could very well get away with one to 200 or 1 to 250, maybe 300. If the level of trust is high, and the culture is a supportive culture,


朱莉·特尼:让HR得到他们需要的支持从HR开始。我想了很多次,这是我开始我的教练实践的挑战之一,就是很多人会说:你知道,我在这个行业已经10年,15年,5年了,不管怎样,我做得很好。我所在的组织很棒。他们支持我。这一切都很好。但你仍然需要做一些非常困难的事情。你还是要做很重的事情。你从哪里获得支持呢?所以,HR首先要认识到他们确实需要支持,他们确实需要帮助。在过去一年半的时间里,我在这段旅程中经历的一件事是,我听说了很多人力资源专业人士的故事,他们因为没有花时间去获得他们需要的帮助而去世。 We lost quite a few amazing HR professionals through suicide or to COVID. We’ve lost a lot of HR professionals through heart attacks, aneurysms, because they haven’t taken the time to step back and say: this is too much, this is not okay, and I need to create boundaries that are safe for me. And this is the point that I’m trying to make. This is the reason why I advocate now for self-caring HR. My own personal experience with HR burnout, the stories I’ve heard of so many other HR professionals who vulnerably opened up and shared their stories. It starts with admitting to yourself that you are not a superhero. There are things that exist in the mind of creatives. We are human beings, with feelings and with emotions, whether we have families to manage or we are living on our own. We still have the right to be loved, to be respected, to be cherished. And HR is very heavy. It’s very hard. It can be very fun and very engaging. As a matter of fact, for me, being someone who suffers from ADHD, I love HR because I get to touch so many different things. So it really helps me with my ADHD to be able to not have to deal with one monotonous thing all the time. For most HR professionals, studies have shown most HR professionals do suffer from high functioning anxiety. We thrive in times of crisis. Most HR professionals are neurodiverse. But you need to get the help and support to help you be a better you. And that starts with you admitting you can’t do it all. You shouldn’t have to do it all. And then how do you move forward? The next thing I would say is that I try to advocate for transparency. So when people enter a coaching relationship with me, I always encouraged them to let their managers know, to try to get support from the business even to pay for the coaching. Because I think it’s important that you get that backing from your organization and from your leadership. As a matter of fact, one of the things that I will be advocating for more in 2022 is that HR for HR coaching is included in compensation packages for HR professionals, because the two just go hand in hand. It should be a given that your HR team should at least be going to therapy once a month, or at least once a quarter, depending on where they’re sitting. I think that these things are very important. But I want to help organizations to get a better understanding of why these things are necessary. Because your HR people are not okay. And if you’re taking the time to look at places like LinkedIn, or Twitter, you’ll see when we’re talking in those spaces, that we’re not okay. You don’t have to look very far to see it. In almost every single comment of every single post that I put when I talk about things like creating boundaries, taking care of your mental health, self-care initiatives, and it’s more than just buying an app and telling people that when you’re feeling a certain way, go to this app. It’s more than just a survey to see how people are feeling with smiley faces or with different emojis. It’s more than that. It’s going to your HR people and asking them a question. Right? How are you feeling today? Not just how are you feeling, but how are you feeling today?


朱莉·特尼:绝对的。我认为我经常告诉人力资源专业人士的一件事是,找到你的社区,获得你的社区意识,因为这是我在人力资源职业生涯中学到的一件事,我一开始遭受的痛苦是,我没有社区。问题来了:我在哪里可以找到社区?我总是对人们说的第一件事就是看看你们的人力资源团队。比如,如果你是人力资源管理协会或CIPD的成员,那么你可以在这些社区中寻求支持。很多这样的社区都很有帮助。但除此之外,还有其他的社区,你可以成为其中的一员,这将帮助你发展和成长,也为你提供一个安全的空间。这是我最喜欢的社区。对我来说,第一个是由Enrique Rubio创建的Hacking HR,我非常喜欢Enrique在创建这个社区方面所做的工作。他无私地为黑客的人力资源社区做出贡献。 He created mentorships. He created different labs, learning labs. He selflessly gives by creating that HR conference every single year where he puts all of those speakers together free of cost. That’s a great community and they have a great Slack channel that you can go into for free, where you can get advices, support, learn stuff, you can see what’s been what’s being done in that community. It is very open, very transparent. They’re open to futuristic HR thinking. I love Hacking HR. I can’t even talk about them enough. Second I would say if you are looking to upskill and reskill yourself, then AIHR hands down. And the community within that space is absolutely beautiful. And I love the fact that we’re able to share different topics and be so vulnerable in that space. And I just love how you guys have worked effortlessly to put that together. The third for me would be Disrupt HR. I love Disrupt HR. I actually hosted disrupt HR events in the Caribbean. But I think it’s a great space to learn and to develop community. When you see Disrupt HR events come together and you see all those HR professionals in that space, it’s just such a beautiful thing to see. And then the topics, so disruptive, but impactful, and really powerful. To really help empower HR professionals to do better and be better in their organizations. That would be just a few. I mean, when I talk about HR for HR, it’s something that gets talked about all day. You’d have to stop me. Because there’s so much to talk about. It’s not just the things that HR is impacted by the organization, by the way leaders feel about HR or the way employees feel about HR, but also how HR feels about HR.


朱莉·特尼:是的,我很乐意分享这些。所以对我来说,第一件事很简单——散步。你知道的,把自己和工作分开。有时候你只需要走开,走开,然后再回来。运动很好。然后是正念,这在我的清单上非常靠前。我喜欢Calm应用程序,喜欢他们创造的东西,喜欢他们在帮助企业和人力资源专业人士方面所做的事情。在某些时候,他们有一个链接,人力资源专业人士可以免费参与他们的服务一年。我希望他们能把它带回来。我很期待他们能不能把它带回来。 Because HR professionals need it. When I dive into mindfulness, it really does help with just keeping you calm, understanding the importance of staying grounded, being aware of the things that cause you anxiety, and where your anxiety shows up – in the clenching of the jaw, the holding of your breath, you know, the putting your feet on the chair versus on the ground. And just helping you to be more aware of your surroundings. Mindfulness is very helpful. And journaling also is very good. Getting it out of your head onto a piece of paper where it’s safe versus talking to people who you’re not sure you should really be sharing that stuff.


朱莉·特尼:我的天啊。当形势逆转时,他们就会这样。我想说的是,对我来说,关于人力资源最大的陈词滥调可能是我们爱人们。每个人力资源专业人士来这里并不一定是因为我们爱别人。我们在这里是因为我们希望看到企业做得更好,变得更好。我们希望看到组织的发展和成长。这并不意味着作为人力资源,我们什么都懂,这就是为什么我们总是不断地学习和发展自己,这样我们就可以帮助组织,因为有时人们会做一些最疯狂的事情。你怎么喜欢这个?你不能。但我们在这里是因为我们希望看到人们发展和成长,做伟大的事情,成为伟大的人,帮助组织实现他们的目标和目标。 That doesn’t always mean that we love people. We like people because we have to interact with them. But it doesn’t mean we’re all here because: Oh, we love people. And we think it’s such a great speech.


朱莉·特尼:我的天啊,今年我失败了太多次了。我认为这是人们不能欣赏的事情之一,因为他们看到了所有发生在最后的好事,但他们没有看到所有发生在中间的事情,你有那些巨大的失败。对我来说,今年早些时候,我一直在尝试推出这种特殊的产品。每次我去发布产品时,我都患上了冒名顶替综合症,这让我迟迟不能发布产品。实际上,在我去扑灭它的时候,我的系统崩溃了。所以我得从头再来。因为我不得不从头再来,拖延症开始了,所以我还没有真正开始。对我来说,这是一个史诗般的失败,因为在那个时候,我创造的东西看起来真的很好,并且已经准备好了。我只是被我脑子里发生的事情拖住了脚步。当我启动它的时候,我的系统崩溃了。 And now I have to start all over again. So that’s an epic fail. An epic win for me would be publishing or releasing my book. Yeah, that would be an epic win for me, I wrote my book for HR professionals to recognize that they weren’t alone in some of the stuff that they were going through. And I wrote it for the HR professionals who are here, that aren’t doing their jobs effectively, to either decide that they want to make a change, or it’s time for them to leave the profession. That’s an epic win for me. And then I created a journal in the workbook to go with it. And I’m really proud of that as well.







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